Viktor and Jayce


Hero Concept Art

I'm like 85% sure I'm allowed to post these online now.


Ancient One-Off Comics And Miscellanei Illustrations

 Here's a bunch of really old one-off comics, and some illustrations I was commissioned to do by Riot.


Facebook Stickers / League 2048

 a lot of many years ago I was commissioned by Riot to do some meme-themed stickers for their FB account. I came up with a lot of the ideas and drew the base drawings for these. unfortunately I really really dropped the ball on it and I wasn't able to meet my deadline, but fortunately OSCAR VEGA is a fucking legend and he finished most of the final inks and colors on these (and way better than I would have, at that). I did some of the animations on them too (not the soraka or the riven movement, but I did do the sketches/lineart for them).

the second part is a bunch of gifs I did for a little mini game on the old website, 2048. I did a league theme for it so I thought I'd post the gifs here in case anyone wants to use them for anything. :) feel free.

Playtime With Gnar

 Here are some comics that Riot commissioned me to do awhile ago... the second batch was done from fan suggestions from the forum... probably the most fun project I got to work on for them!

Riot Valentines Day

 Here are some Valentines Day cards Riot commissioned me to do... I did not do the awesome font/text graphic design though, that was someone else on the community content team but sadly I do not know their name so I cannot credit them. :(


Unfinished Talon

  I really wish I had gotten around to finishing this one... cause I really liked the art style I was experimenting with at the time.



Bonus: Photo Gallery

here are some memories of some of my Riot/League adventures :)

meeting a Jayce cosplayer at PAX 2014 ⚡🔨