Facebook Stickers / League 2048

 a lot of many years ago I was commissioned by Riot to do some meme-themed stickers for their FB account. I came up with a lot of the ideas and drew the base drawings for these. unfortunately I really really dropped the ball on it and I wasn't able to meet my deadline, but fortunately OSCAR VEGA is a fucking legend and he finished most of the final inks and colors on these (and way better than I would have, at that). I did some of the animations on them too (not the soraka or the riven movement, but I did do the sketches/lineart for them).

the second part is a bunch of gifs I did for a little mini game on the old website, 2048. I did a league theme for it so I thought I'd post the gifs here in case anyone wants to use them for anything. :) feel free.


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